Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Less blabs, better

I thinks it's pretty much about time to be a blogger. By that i mean an active one, several posts in a week.

What invoked me to do so? Lawschool.

I have proven time and time again that in order to survive law school, one MUST be a good writer. Erase that, one must be an excellent writer. One should be able to organize his thoughts and be a ble to condense 15 pages of raw idea into 1 sharp and concise paragraph.

I have always been a blabber. Well, typical woman who thinks that the more words the more intimidating she gets, i don't think that applies in law school. The antics i pull before in nursing school has no place in law school. Back then, you'd pass an impressive 50 pages case report with the hopes that it will bore the instructor and just stop reading and decide that younappear smart why not give an 85. Not applicable in law school. Once you bore the professor, he stops reading. Thinks you are an idiot wasting his time and off with a 65. That's how diverse the two world is.

To wrap it up. Law school = less talk,more content.